Mierzwa, Patrushkha

Behind The Sound Cart : A Veteran's Guide To Sound On The Set - Ulano Sound Services, Inc. 2021 - xvi, 333 pages: illustrations(Black and white); 228mm

Includes bibliographic references and index.

Paturshkha Mierzwa takes you from the first work call to the final wrap, explaining the order of the work and the details that experience can provide so you don't make mistakes that can sabotage your career before it's even started. This book describes the job of the utility sound technician(UST), a career almost invisible, minimally considered, yet extremely interesting and exciting - and paying up to six figures a year. Discover tips and tricks for microphone placement. Understand how the UST interacts with the director, actors, and producers. Learn why you can know everything about film yet still not sustain a career. This book condenses years of experience into a practical guide that will prepare you to walk onto a film set with the confidence of a sound ninja.

9781736290002 ?Ð51.12

Plays, playscripts
Performing arts

TK7881.3 / M54 2021
