CyberArts 2004: International Compendium - Prix Ars Electronica 2004

CyberArts 2004: International Compendium - Prix Ars Electronica 2004

Compilation DVD and music CD; computer animation; visual effects; digital music; interactive art; digital media; website design; cyber art; cyberart; installation art COMPUTER ANIMATION/VISUAL EFFECTS; Ryan - Chris Landreth (14mins); Birthday Boy - Park Sejong (9mins); Parenthèse - François Blondeau, Thibault Deloof, Jérémie Droulers, Christophe Stampe (6mins); Mother - excerpts from Lines of Unity - Eleven Aboriginal Poems - Marcus Bledowski (3mins); moo(n) - Leigh Hodgkinson (3mins); NewBalls Please - Richard James (3mins); MICROCOSM - Joe Takayama (3mins); no limits -Heidi Wittlinger (1min); The Parthenon - Paul Debevec (2mins); This Wonderful Life -Liam Kemp (14mins); Pfffirate - Xavier André, Guillaume Herent (4mins) INTERACTIVE ART; Listening Post - Mark Hansen, Ben Rubin (20mins); Ah_Q - Feng Mengbo (14mins); Augmented Fish Reality - Ken Rinaldo (2mins) THE NEXT IDEA ART AND TECHNOLOGY GRANT; Moony - Sensitive Smoke Project - Akio Kamisato, Satoshi Shibata, Takehisa Mashimo (4mins) DIGITAL COMMUNITIES; Wikipedia (4mins); The World Starts With Me (4mins); dol2day - democracy online (2mins); Krebs-Kompass (2mins); OPen-Clothes - 6 billion ways of fashion for 6 million people (1mins); smart x tension (3mins) DIGITAL MUSICS CD; Banlieue du Vide - Thomas Köner (11mins); Westernization Completed "Mypatch" - AGF (3mins); excerpt form "Skate/Rink-Rink" - Janek Schaefer (7mins); excerpt from "24 Variations" - Horacio Vaggione (3mins); Fennesz - Venice "Rivers of Sand" - Christian Fennesz (4mins); Phantom Orchard - Deft - Zeena Parkins, Ikue Mori (4mins); excerpt form "The Keening Towers" - John Duncan (5mins); The Housebound Spirit, "All I could think of was nothing" - Leafcutter John (4mins); excerpt from "Chlorgeschlecht - Unyoga" - Alary Olivier; Chlorgeschlecht /Kloster Alex /Malfatti Johannes; Chlorgeschlecht (2mins); Matki Wandalki "Too Tehcnical" - Felix Kubin (2mins); excerpt from "OUR UR" - Alvin Curran, Somenico Sciajno (4mins); excerpt from "A magic square of 5 to look at and a magic square of 5 to listen to" - Paul Panhusen (3mins); The Sine Wave Orchestra - Furudate Ken, Ishida Daisuke, Jo Kazuhiro; AUDIO ONLY

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